Journey to Becoming a Nurse

2 min readMay 28, 2021

I need to look within and remind myself that I have goals for the future, and the future is NOW.

Life for over a year has been a crazy new reality out of a movie. I feel like I’m living in fiction sometimes. This shit is seriously bananas. But that’s not what I want this post to be about… We are all aware of the tragedies that happened and continue to happen in the era of COVID. And tbh, you’re lucky to be reading this and I’m lucky to be writing it.

Well, this new era has had me feeling stagnant, unproductive, worthless and even hopeless on my worst days. I’ve gained weight, became socially inept, no longer feel comfortable in large groups of people, and have lost sight of what I wanted out of life. These last couple weeks I’ve had one of many existential crises. I realized if I want to be a nurse, I need to get that started now. At 25, I have a BA in Psychology, with little job experience, and a shallow pocket. I live with my parents, and don’t even pay rent. This is the perfect set up to go back to school. It will be different from the first time I went to school, no doubt.

I understand there can be many routes. I can just do a community college which is a less competitive, affordable route. I have the ABSN route, which will cost more, but leave me slightly more qualified. And I have the Entry Level MSN, which will leave me broke, but with an astonishing resume. I plan to apply to all options. I cannot limit myself.

I am excited for a new path in this journey. For a long time, I felt lost didn’t know what path to take. At this point in my life, I am ready to enter an intensive program like nursing. And can validate that I feel good about doing well. I need to do well. I did college, I did my fun, drunken years, I found my boyfriend, I am not ready to invest my patience and free time into something I am passionate about. Watch out bitches. I am coming in hard.

